Tele-Medical consultation is a novel method to provide Ayurvedic advice for those who are around the
world and cannot attend a face-to-face consultation.
Gives the ability provide initial advice and especially suitable for those who are interested in Body
Constitution Analysis (Prakrti) and seeking initial supportive advice for improving positive health.
To book an appointment visit our shopping area by clicking the link below.
Once your booking is received, we will contact you to arrange a date and time convenient for the
consultation and a health questionnaire will be sent to you to fill and return prior to the consultation.
Tele-Medical Consultation – £65
Book Now

Face-to-Face Consultations are conducted in clinics in Central London and East London.
The initial consultation will take one hour.
A 30 min follow up consultation at a later date.
Contact us for booking details and further information:
Mobile: +44 (0) 79 0308 2453

Common Conditions that Can be Helped for Better Management with Ayurvedic Treatments
Stress, Anxiety and Mental & Emotional Well-being
Chronic Fatigue and Lack of Energy
Hyperacidity, Indigestion, IBS and Constipation
Female Infertility and Hormonal Imbalances
Male Infertility and Oligospermia
Chronic Pain and Joint Inflammation Conditions
Chronic Headaches
Chronic Skin Conditions
High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure
Chronic Neurological Conditions

Your prescription will include a combination of:
Stress Management
Lifestyle Changes
Emotional Healing & Healing Relationships
Massage & Oil Therapies
Panchakarma Detoxification & Anti-Aging Therapies
Nutritional Herbal Supplements & Super Foods