Ayurveda Nutritional Therapist
Course Code: LCAM/AT/04

Ayurveda Nutritional Therapist
Course Code: LCAM/AT/04
Course Overview
Diet and Nutrition is a major component of Ayurvedic clinical medicine where ahara (food), viharana (lifestyle) and aushadha (medicines) are the three-fold modalities in an Ayurvedic prescription. Identifying and correcting diet helps both prevention and healing of diseases. Ayurveda teaches that not eating according to the body constitution (Prakrti) is a major cause of disease.
This course will equip you with Ayurvedic knowledge on energetics of food, bespoke use according to the body constitution and dietary healing of diseases.
A beginner or a qualified nutritionist who joins in this course will have to take modules on Ayurveda basic principles as core modules. An Ayurvedic massage therapist who have completed LCAM/AT/01 can take this course for advancing their practice.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the course, you will be able to;
- Determine the body constitution (prakrti)
- Determine the nutritional state (dhatu sara)
- Demonstrate energetics of food (rasa-guna-vipaka-virya)
- Select and recommend diet and food for health promotion and disease conditions
Course Content
Module 1: Ayurvedic Pharmacological Principles related to Food
Module 2: Assessment of the client for Nutritional Therapy
Module 3. Ayurvedic Nutritional Principles & Agni
Module 4: Ayurvedic Clinical Nutrition
Contact us for more information.
Email: info@setrameduk.com
Phone: +44 (0)79 0308 2453