Course Code: LCAM/PGM/MSc

Course Code: LCAM/PGM/MSc
This course is under development with the collaboration of a university. And will be commencing in 2025
Course Overview
Pre-requisite for enrolling is PG Cert in Ayurvedic Medicine. Anyone with a similar level of learning obtained from a recognised institute will be assessed to provide enrolment to the program. We will be also applying for the accreditation of the Ayurvedic Professional bodies to obtain the ‘Full Membership’ for the graduates from this course.
This program consists of three modules, 120 Credits to complete 180 Credits including the 60 Credits obtained in the PG Cert. This will include a clinical training at a teaching Ayurveda hospital either in India or Sri Lanka and also a dissertation.
Year 1
LCAM/PGM/01/03 Genomic Medicine & Rebalancing Microbiota (10 Credits)
LCAM/PGM/01/04 Ayurvedic Nutritional & Diet Therapy (10 Credits)
LCAM/PGM/03/07 Ayurvedic Internal Medicine (20 Credits)
LCAM/PGM/03/08 Ayurvedic Bio-Purification &Pancakarma (10 Credits)
LCAM/PGM/03/09 Women’s Health in Integrative Medicine (10 Credits)
Year 2
LCAM/PGM/03/10 Clinical Internship (40 Credits)
LCAM/PGM/03/11 Research Project & Dissertation (20 Credits)

Contact us for more information.
Phone: +44 (0)79 0308 2453